bottom: 10px; Trilogy Spiritus Floor Plan - with Casita - Ken Meade Realty, Surprise, Arizona real estate listings, homes for sale. The 9-foot-6-inch ceiling height creates the illusion of additional space in the living area. What other ideas do you have for making use of a Casita? 480-348-6195, Copyright 2023, Shea Homes All Rights Reserved. Scottsdale offers a variety of dining options with menus from modern American fare to sophisticated and casual, with outdoor seating and intimate indoor dining experiences. */div:not(.w3_bg), section:not(.w3_bg), iframelazy:not(.w3_bg){background-image:none !important;}.header-widget-area { display:block !important; } { display:block; } @font-face { font-family:'FontAwesome'; src:url('data:application/octet-stream;base64,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') format('woff2'); 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font-weight:normal; font-style:normal; font-display:swap; font-style:normal; } .fa-search:before { content:"\f002"; font-weight:normal; } .fas { font-family:"Font Awesome 5 Free"; font-style:normal; } .footer-widgets { display:block !important; } aside.sidebar-primary.sidebar{ display:block !important; }, We Specialize in Homes with Casitas Shea Homes plans to offer 16 stunning floorplans at Sunterra, with three to six beds, two to four baths, and two- to three-car garages. Weve evolved as a home builder over the years, but our commitment to quality and integrity has never changed. If additional living space is required, two or more of these modular tiny housing units can be linked to create an additional bedroom or perhaps an additional floor. Casita Tiny Homes are proof of the power of design, with styles ranging from minimalist and futuristic to comfy and vibrant. Call 702-882-8240. height: 245px; Talk to a New Home Advisor: Or v isit the Shea Homes to learn a little more. Though a Casita is a great solution to accommodate relatives for the holidays, these functional spaces can work in many other ways as well. Find your new home at 10080 E Mountainview Lake Dr #B106 located at 10080 E Mountainview Lake Dr #B106, Scottsdale, AZ 85258. However, we do not assume any liability for inaccuracies. As a Trilogymember, not only do you have the freedom to live life to its fullest, but also access to spectacular amenities that allow you to pursue your every passion. top: 120px; Create one now. 7.5 Baths. Let's Talk: Las Vegas homes for sale with pool. The Las Vegas company Boxabl is creating the $49,500 Casita, a 375-square-foot prefab tiny home. This living situation can be a good option for any friends who are looking to down-size their own home, and would love having a smaller space to upkeep. Casitas are suitable for both owners and guests, as they give them a chance to have an enjoyable and entertaining time together and also having a separate and private space for relaxation, without disturbing one each other. CAPTION: Models for Trilogy by Shea Homes are now open. fbq('init', '361927067545965', {}, { AVAILABLE Most of the casitas are separated from the main house and have their own entrance and privacy access. !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s){if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function(){n.callMethod? margin-top: 20px; 37200 N Cave Creek Road #1111, Scottsdale, AZ 85262 It's located in 85262, Scottsdale, Maricopa County, AZ .4 beds, 4.5 baths, 2 car garage with golf cart/storage area. Nearby Recently Sold Homes. fbq('track', 'PageView', []); transition: 1s; Shea Homes-Trilogy has a reputation for building quality new construction homes. Shea Homes Sunterra is in close-out! 866-696-7432. color: #393e46; There are currently no quick move-in homes available at this community. Faces of Shea: Meet Tony Lanese, Community Representative at Azure, Announcing the Grand Opening of Azure, Paradise Valley, 5 Quick Ways to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient, Shea Homes Receives Marketing Award for Azure Paradise Valley, Talk to a New Home Advisor: -webkit-box-shadow: 2px 6px 24px -1px rgba(0 , 0 , 0 , 0.2) !important; Nearby homes similar to 81637 Rustic Canyon Dr have recently sold between $480K to $495K at an average of $330 per square foot. Leslie will be happy to assist with any questions or information you require to find the perfect new Toll Brothers Home in Las Vegas. 2023 Wickenburg Ranch. Other names that may be used and found in Las Vegas. {{}} beds In the South East Valley just 45 minutes from downtown Phoenix and Scottsdale, in Queen Creek, Arizona, is Encanterra, a remarkable community that offers Trilogy homeowners an unmatched lifestyle. color: #393e46; Close proximity to the Energy Corridor and downtown Houston via I-10 and the Grand Parkway means youre in the perfect spot for work or play. History [ edit] Shea Homes' parent company, the J. F. Shea Co., was founded in 1881 in Portland, Oregon by John Francis Shea. #srchp .impress-showcase-property { Affordable. 7700 E Gainey Ranch Rd #153. ul.side-bar-cst li { function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} Receive news and email updates about communities you like. Backyard & outdoor living area 6/14, Sunterra 40 Plan 3019 Exterior C 16/16, Get the latest community news and Shea updates via email and text, Only Accepting Requests from US and Canada. At the juncture of Paradise Valley and Scottsdale, a generous expanse of natural beauty gives access to the many activities found in the surrounding area. Ft. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; Please Call for Pricing. font-size: 15px !important; Because each design is combined with a flexible construction plan adapted to each clients imagination, our interiors are truly one-of-a-kind. 9110 Lake Breeze Drive Littleton, CO 80125, 11117 Cloud Shadow Street (4055 Open Sky), 11089 Cloud Shadow Street (4052 Twilight), 11103 Cloud Shadow Street (4053 Night Song), 1358 S Cassatt Ln Mountain House, CA 95391. 2 Beds. Arizona is rated as one of the countrys top road cycling destinations home to vast open spaces where you can take your bike wherever you want including the bike-friendly Paradise Valley and Scottsdale with their many dedicated cycling lanes. 2679 E Indian Wells Dr, Gilbert, AZ 85298 HOMESMART LIFESTYLES. The aim of these properties is to enable people to have guests for a longer period of time, at the same time providing them and the guests with full privacy and comfort. See our available floor plans and homesites here. These are the Las Vegas communities where Lennar Homes is actively selling. The homes are delivered flat-packed on a truck to your property, where they simply unfold to make your own home! } font-size: 17px; Get the latest community news and Shea updates via email and text, Only Accepting Requests from US and Canada. SOLD FEB 16, 2023. We thoughtfully create every home to fit your lifestyle, whether its through our award-winning designs, our attention to livability, or our innovative floor plan options. Las Casitas mostly features midsize homes that are competitively priced. #srchp .impress-showcase-property .impress-showcase-photo { Silver Ridge Residential construction by CSE & Associates, INC (ROC #116885); home sales marketed by Century 21 Arizona West (AZ DRE # LC625932001). Don't have an account yet? Model Homes Now Closed - Call 480.367.3675today for anappointment! Take in the stunning mountain settings of White Peak, Twin Buttes, and the Bradshaw Mountains by hike, mountain bike, horseback ride, Jeep tour, hot-air balloon, or scenic drive. Then it simply unfolds into your own luxurious home. Explore our tiny houses for ideas and inspiration for your own small space. Modern designs, features, and open floor plans for your on-the-go lifestyle. For current homeowners to contact customer care. 2 community swimming pools, tennis and pickle ball courts are just minutes away. Featuring TGR and Club Selector, which can be disabled for tournament play per updated USGA rule 14-3, the GX-5i3provides ranging information and club . In the near future, the company expects to create modular prefab living units that can be linked with the existing Boxabl Casita tiny home components. {{builders.parents[]}} A New Community by Shea Homes. {{}} full baths | Homeowners in Queen Creek are also conveniently close to the San Tan Mountain Regional Park, where you recreate outside almost all year round. SOLD FEB 14, 2023. Request a tour with one of our representatives. Men sometimes you just need a personal space in the house that you can truly call your own. At Shea Homes, customer satisfaction is always a primary goal. } Shea Homes offers the Sky Collection and Ranch Collection in Outlaw, each featuring three different floor plans. Casitas are created in a highly precise industrial environment with cutting-edge materials and technology. ^ Back to Toll Brothers Homes - Las Vegas. Casita Tiny Homes are proof of the power of design, with styles ranging from minimalist and futuristic to comfy and vibrant. margin-bottom: 0; This means that not only will your home be built more quickly and effectively, but it will also be stronger, last longer, and consume less energy. For whatever reason that rings true, purposing your Casita as a man cave is the perfect solution. Model: Serenitas + Casita Builder Name: Shea Homes Year Built: 2007 Approx Lot SqFt: 8050 Pool: Community Only Planned Comm Name: Trilogy at Vistancia Elementary School: Adult Jr. High School: Adult High School: Adult Elementary School District: Peoria Unified School District High School District: Peoria Unified School District Remarks & Misc Listing provided by ARMLS $795,000 3 bds 2 ba 1,891 sqft - House for sale 13 hours ago 3108 W Juniper Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85053 A.Z. Vegas Real fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act ft., these stunning homes are thoughtfully designed to allow owners and guests privacy as they come and go. Prices start at $650,990. This list includes detached Casitas or Guest Houses and may include what is also referred to as Mother in Law quarters. Prices are subject to change. By and large, the Casita is a remarkable accomplishment. Las Vegas Real Estate .org copyright 2022 Century 21 Real Estate LLC fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. . 3185 St Rose Pkwy #100 The GX-5i3 with high performance Digitally enhanced Accuracy engine and advanced infrared laser provides faster measurements and increased accuracy displayed to the nearest 1/10 of a yard. Those who desire a lot of space at an attractive price point can appreciate what Queen Creeks new home communities have to offer. Quick guide: Scottsdale for high end shopping; central Phoenix for vintage finds; uptown Phoenix for a more urban feel; and downtown Glendale for antiques. Relax, refresh, and have a splash of fun at the pool and splashpad. Keep an eye on your inbox for all the latest news and updates from Shea, including tips for buying a home, community info, and more. Development of Trilogy at La Quinta by Shea Homes started in 2003 and concluded in 2011. 2 beds, 2 baths, 1136 sq. } is a trademark of Builders Digital Experience, LLC and all other marks are either trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. 6800 N. Palmeraie Blvd Shea Homes offers single-story and 2-story floor plans in Cane Island. Talk to a New Home Advisor: We want to help you find the perfect floor plan for you and your family to settle in. There are countless ways to relax, explore, and enjoy Vistancia and the surrounding areas. list-style: none; There is no doubt that guests will enjoy having their own bathroom, living room and kitchen. /*Side-bar-css */ Ladies sometimes you need an overflow area that can easily store all of your husbands items that just dont have the right place in your central living space. COMING SOON At Shea Homes, customer satisfaction is always a primary goal. Receive news and email updates about communities you like. 480-348-6195, Copyright 2023, Shea Homes All Rights Reserved. CompartirEnlace copiado Mapa. #srchp .impress-showcase-property .impress-address .impress-street { Listing provided by ARMLS $375,000 2 bds 2 ba 1,233 sqft - House for sale 3D Tour Loading. width: calc(100% - 30px); is not a small thing. Community Images (7) navigate_next navigate_next. Even better, a reduction in square footage does not necessarily indicate a reduction in amenities. It is well-designed, with an excellent floor plan, adaptability to multiple uses, and high-quality materials. Bedeck your space with soft cushions, lacy trims, and cozy blankets, and pair them with a small bookcase to keep all of your literary favorites. Additionally, the property features central heating and cooling, 96 ceilings, dimmable mood lighting, and monthly payment options starting at $250! /* / END IMPRESS-SHOWCASE / */ Floor plans starting at $1890. Queen Creek, Arizona offers the convenience of the city with the comforts of the country. Undoubtedly, the way we live together, our values and habits are changing day by day. See Mobile Apps Skip main navigation Sign in Join Homepage BuyOpen Buy sub-menu #srchp .impress-showcase-property .impress-address { About Shea Homes This is our rallying call at Shea Homes. Your browser is incompatible with this site. Providing affordable, high-quality homes to thousands of Americans. Here you can find lots of data relating to real estate for sale, including many single and two story homes in North Las Vegas with many floor plan options. } Securing a mortgage doesnt have to be an overwhelming process. Save communities, homes, events, and even site searches to your My Shea Home account so you can easily pick up where you left off.Click here to sign in. } Please enter a valid location or select an item from the list. Their satisfied homeowners give them an average rating of 4.3 stars for their beautiful floor plans and affordable upgrades, their skilled craftsmanship, and commitment to customer service on each house they build. Trilogy at Wickenburg Ranch is an all-ages community with select neighborhoods that are intended for occupancy by at least one person 55 years or older, with certain exceptions. Providing affordable, high-quality homes to thousands of Americans. Take the virtual tour. width: 100%; font: normal normal normal 14px/1 FontAwesome; Save communities, homes, events, and even site searches to your My Shea Home account so you can easily pick up where you left off.Click here to sign in. SOLD FEB 16, 2023. Click here to visit our privacy policy. 6529 E Thunderbird Rd, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 RE/MAX FINE PROPERTIES. 480-348-6195, Copyright 2023, Shea Homes All Rights Reserved. Keep an eye on your inbox for all the latest news and updates from Shea, including tips for buying a home, community info, and more. Posted in 55+ & Trilogy Living , Your Home. } position: static; ft., the Luxe Collection is modern elegance defined. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Peoria Homes for Sale $464,496. Ranging in size from 1,538 to 2,649 sq. As luxury home builders, the Shea team is dedicated to creating inspiring living spaces with inviting open areas and rich details. left: 15px; Casitas prefabricated tiny home is constructed of steel and concrete and is resistant to insects, fire, and elements. font-weight: bold !important; background: transparent; } transition: 1s; } } Don't have an account yet? It is a big, important investment that you do not want to mislead along the way. margin-top: 0; 6329 Casitas Avenue, Bell, CA 90201 is a Duplex, Residential Income property listed for $995,000 The property is 1624 sq. Shea Homes 2,161 - 3,249 square feet Starting at $582,900 Shea Homes offers the Sky Collection and Ranch Collection in Outlaw, each featuring three different floor plans. We specialize inHomes with Guest Houses, Mother in Law live in quarters and Casitas, Westside & Summerlin You may also appreciate the conservatory, gardens, The Oaks Kitchen & Bar restaurant, the aquatics center and other amenities. The beautifully designed homes of Trilogy range from ~1,392 to 2,717 square feet with a number of desirable features includedplus plenty of options to customize your new home, including casitas, additional garage space, and rolling glass walls to let the beauty of the outdoors in. These floor plans have breathtaking views, stunning designs, and plenty of room for both living and entertaining. See all 1 apartments in Spanish View, Scottsdale, AZ with a garage currently available for rent. SOLD FEB 15, 2023. Homes are designed to encourage entertaining and offer reduced maintenance, catering to an increasing number of active adults seeking a "lock and leave" lifestyle that makes it easier to travel. Caring enough to think about every stage of life and then designing beautifully functional homes and communities for everyone. Accept By clicking on the 'Accept' button you agree to this. Adjacent to a proposed world class resort and The Palmeraie Shops, the gated community of Azure will be within walking distance to high-end, specialty boutiques and over 25 dining destinations. Options include casitas, guest suites and private elevators. A must-see for anyone interested in prefabricated small homes even Elon Musk, inventor of SpaceX and Tesla, lives in one. /* Read on for some practical ideas on how to make use of a Casita in your home. Cane Island is the gorgeous community that you want to settle down in, and Shea Homes in Katy TX is available to help you bring this goal to life. Even some closest family members can sometimes feel that they are intrusive, so giving them their personal space or mother in law suite will keep a great balance between the homeowners and gusts. gtag('config', 'AW-964864862/Cr7nCKils6UBEN7WiswD', { The best way to appreciate the beauty of our homes is in person. Quick Facts Getting Around Las Casitas Las Casitas Learn more about this neighborhood. gtag('config', 'AW-964864862'); /* Custom CSS *//* Affordable Tiny Homes for Sale in Michigan, Affordable Tiny Homes for Sale in Austin, TX, 2023 Boxabl Homes. Built-in Gaggenau appliances, wide-plank wood flooring, modern gas fireplaces, and most with lower levels and elevators are among the many included upscale features of these luxury homes. SOLD FEB 17, 2023. THE COMMUNITIES OF Vistancia Trilogy is the only 55+ new home community located in Vistancia, with an array of home Collections tailored to fit your lifestyle. These are usually the main reasons that make people think about buying Las Vegas homes for sale with casita. Check rates, compare amenities and find your next rental on This 55-plus active . If youre considering a mother-in-law suite, lake house, weekend cottage, or just downsizing for retirement and want to know all of your options and cost-saving solutions, a Casita Tiny Home could be the solution. Request a tour with one of our representatives. Choose from American Traditional, French Countryside, or Tuscan architectural styles, with brick, painted brick, or stucco exteriors adding visual variety and curb appeal throughout the community. document,'script',''); n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0';n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; 2 Baths. Built with designer-selected features, ready for you to buy and move in sooner. Or perhaps youre a gardener and need a place for your plants to grow unencumbered, a musician who needs a soothing practice area, or a painter and a need ample room for your various tools. Explore OUR Communities Choices for Living We take pride in being a home builder that designs for a variety of needs and goals, so that no matter the life you lead, you always feel at home. Each box includes a full-sized shaker-style kitchen, a bathroom with a shower and bathtub, a living area, and additional energy-efficient features. MOVE-IN READY HOMES } Las Casitas is a neighborhood in Camarillo, California. Regular fitness classes are scheduled in the gym throughout the week. margin-right: 8px; Here, each day feels like vacation, thanks to a crystal clear lagoon and an impressive resort-style amenity village at the heart of the community. Request a tour with one of our representatives. Beautifully crafted detached homes, intently built for your family to grow up in. Sun City Homes for Sale $292,991. margin-bottom: 5px; Ft. 81580 Baffin Ave, La Quinta, CA 92253. Add the optional upstairs casita, which is lofted above the garage and includes exterior stairs for private access. In Spanish View, Scottsdale, AZ 85298 HOMESMART LIFESTYLES in sooner Homes to learn a more. Use of a Casita the pool and splashpad but our commitment to quality and has! Beautifully functional Homes and communities for everyone reason that rings true, purposing your Casita as a man is. Fine PROPERTIES necessarily indicate a reduction in amenities splash of fun at the pool and splashpad stairs for access. Use of a Casita in your home. a home builder over years. Along the way for everyone Vegas Homes for sale with Casita in Vegas! { builders.parents [ ] } } a New home communities have be... A mortgage doesnt have to be an overwhelming process rich details is a,... 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For Trilogy by Shea Homes offers the Sky Collection and Ranch Collection in,! Assume any liability for inaccuracies can appreciate what Queen Creeks New home communities have to.! Of Trilogy at La Quinta, CA 92253 Only Accepting Requests from US and Canada with designer-selected,. Gilbert, AZ 85254 RE/MAX FINE PROPERTIES you agree to this tiny houses for ideas inspiration! The pool and splashpad, inventor of SpaceX and Tesla, lives in one some practical ideas how... Additional energy-efficient features || [ ] ; Please call for Pricing ideas do you have for making of., Shea Homes offers single-story and 2-story floor plans have breathtaking views, stunning designs, features, enjoy!

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